We all live and work in buildings. The way they have been designed can influence our mood and well-being. But what do we really know about the people who create these spaces? Have you ever wondered how architects work? What is involved in designing a building that will become a home of a place of work?
This is your chance to find out from the first meeting with the client to the supervision of the building site. Join us on an evening of discovery, meet a professional architect and find out what it is like to create a building from design to completion.
Please email Hendon library hendon.library@barnet.gov.uk if you would like further information.
Book your place via Eventbrite.
If you book onto an event you'll be providing your information directly to the event organiser rather than to the LFA and their privacy policy will apply.
Image: Howard Pease Architects Limited
Hendon Library, The Burroughs, London
All services are on the ground floor.
For queries regarding access requirements for this event please contact: hendon.library@barnet.gov.uk