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London Midtown’s ‘Living Lab’ tour and rooftop social event

16 June 2023

18:00 -20:30

For the first time, Perkins&Will welcomes the public into our brand-new, self-built studio at 150 Holborn, as part of the LFA’s Studio Lates session, on Friday 16th June.

150 Holborn is the new European HQ for the Dar Group and unites over 1,000 staff in a single state-of-the-art workplace. Common, shared spaces and social connectivity were central principles of our design scheme, to foster interaction and chance encounters between all of the Dar Group’s employees.

Our ‘Journey to 150 Holborn’ will be explained through a series of drawings, films, and models, followed by architect-led tours of our building. Starting on the ground floor, we will rise-up through the central, sculptural staircase and gather for a social evening with refreshments, on one of London’s most exclusive rooftops.

We would love to share our beautiful new building with you!

In collaboration with the Central District Alliance.

Tours will be led by:

Christopher Christophi, Senior Associate
Mijail Gutierrez, Principal, Corporate Interiors, London
Vasiliki Vasilopoulou, Senior Architect



If you book onto an event you'll be providing your information directly to the event organiser rather than to the LFA and their privacy policy will apply.



Instagram: @perkinswill_lon

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Image: Luke Hayes


The Perkins&Will studio

150 Holborn, London

Please enter via the revolving door directly beside Chancery Lane tube station.

Nearest station: Chancery Lane tube station


Wheelchair accessible
Level Access and Automatic Doors (or No Doors)
Mobility Impaired Walker
Accessible toilet

For queries regarding access requirements for this event please contact: