You are currently viewing an archive site of the LFA’s 2023 Festival. For our current website click here.

Re-Imagining Coral Reefs

28 June - 30 June

10:00 -19:00

Re-imagining Coral Reefs is a virtual reality (VR) experience aimed at communicating the climate science of coral reef research to a wider audience.

Visitors to the event venue are invited to try on VR headsets and experience healthy, degraded and re-imagined coral reefs from both human and non-human perspectives. Their virtual experiences are project in real-time in the event space, which also contains 3D printed models of the virtual corals they're experiencing.

Coral reefs are vital ecosystems that sustain 30% of all ocean species. Their degradation is a visceral example of the Climate Crisis. Research into and restoration of these rich habitats constitute a critical enterprise that bring together the scientific community, local citizens, designers, governments, and NGOs, towards the common goal of preserving our biodiversity.

Created via a range of digital tools typically deployed in spatial and game design, and utilising the audio and 3D photogrammetry data collected from the field in Indonesia, the installation is a collaborative creation between design students, marine biologists, and architects.



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University of Westminster

Twitter: @Ms
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Image: John Zhang


University of Westminster Marylebone Campus

35 Marylebone Road, London

Ground Floor Learning Platform Room MG28


Wheelchair accessible
Level Access and Automatic Doors (or No Doors)
Mobility Impaired Walker
Accessible toilet
Gender Neutral Toilet

For queries regarding access requirements for this event please contact:

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