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The Peoples Plan for the Royal Docks

11 June 2023

13:00 -16:30

2023 marks the 40th anniversary of The People’s Plan for the Royal Docks; one of the most iconic community regeneration plans. This walking tour will visit key sites where short talks will tell the story of the plan, its continuing legacy and how it speaks the theme of the commons through highlighting the role of community-led plans and the importance of collective land ownership. Led by Sue Brownill who was part of the original team, it will also include; Hillary Wainwright (ex GLC) on how the plan was done; Bob Colenutt and Marj Mayo on attempts to gain land ownership and Jessie Brennan on her recent artwork which places the plan in the present day. Extracts from the planning inquiry where the plan was presented will bring to life the reaction to it and how the future of the area was set with Alberto Duman reflecting on the ‘regeneration’ that came after it. At Art in the Docks there will be refreshments, a final dialogue between past and present activists and an exhibition.



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Spaces of Hope

Twitter: @#peoplesplans

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Image: Newham Docklands Forum/GLC


Starting point Pontoon Dock DLR , end point Art in the Docks, Albert Dock Basin

London E16 2HP
E16 2HP

The meeting point is by the People's Plan artwork at Pontoon Dock DLR station. The walk will end at Art in the Docks where there will be refreshments, a discussion and an exhibition

Nearest station: Pontoon Dock DLR


Assistance dogs welcome
Accessible toilet

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